The Top Ten Things To Do Before You Apply For A Credit Card
Credit cards are convenient and safe to carry. They have their own advantages and disadvantages however, and these have to be weighed before you make any purchases using your credit card. There are several rules you will need to follow before you even apply for a credit card, and these include the following.
1. Keep only, at most, two credit cards. This will allow you to have back up if one credit card does not work.
2. If you think that a new credit card has better incentives than the card or cards that you currently hold, wait until you can replace one of your cards before applying for a new one.
3. Check with the credit card company if you can have your annual fees waived. Some annual fees can be expensive, draining your wallet further.
4. If you are applying for the credit card online, check if the credit card company server is secure. You can check this by looking at the status bar of your web browser. If you see a padlock icon, this means that your information is relatively safe from hackers.
5. If you can find reports on the credit card companys track record, see if they...