This new time in the history of planet Earth is creating a transformation of spiritual consciousness that is a quantum evolutionary leap for all of humanity. In times past, spiritual pursuits, spiritual awareness and spiritual growth we largely separate from the pursuits of ordinary life. In more recent times, spiritual growth has been seen as a path to bring greater healing, and greater ease in one’s physical life. These views of spirituality were partial, related to steps in a process that humanity’s consciousness has been involved with, and now a new and expanded view of spirituality is emerging.
Initially, human souls existed as the Oneness of spirit, and as the process of physical incarnation developed, souls descended more and more completely into the experience of physically manifest reality, which at that time required a separation from the world of spirit. This separation was necessary for a time, so that souls could experience the fullness of individuality and the complete immersion in physical manifestation.
Within this current time period, this cycle of complete immersion reached its zenith. Humanity went as far as we could in exploring the...