Used primarily as a charge card back in 1958, American Express has definitely grown into a more efficient financial institution that renders more services to their clients, serving millions of customers worldwide.
From more than a million of credit cards that were issued since it first started its charge card in 1958, American Express today is growing each year with additional customers gaining notable satisfaction form its services. Dedicated to promote financial support to its clients, American Express has launched its series of blue credit cards to give way to those who wish to those who wish exceptional financial services and complimentary rewards program.
Reflecting the stable growth of the company, American Express blue cards created such a phenomenal hit that the company decided to offer four special blue cards for various choices. The unique benefit of American Express blue cards is that each type of card has its own remarkable advantage.
1. The Original American Express Blue Card
On top of the list of blue cards from American Express, the original American Express blue card is still the base line of all American Express blue cards. Although...