Low interest credit cards are wonderful if you can get your hands on one. They offer great rates so it is easier to pay off your balance in a timely manner. These cards are perfect for those making large purchases on their credit cards, or even those that use their card for everyday purchases. If you are researching low interest credit cards, consider these factors during your search.
Credit Score
To qualify for low interest credit cards, you have to have great credit. There are several scores that fall in the excellent credit and in the good credit groups in terms of the credit bureaus. If your credit score falls into either of these groups, you will most likely qualify. However, if your score does not fall into these groups, you will most likely not be able to get any low interest credit cards. These cards are for the lowest risk cardholders, which are those with nearly flawless credit score.
Common Rates
For those that do qualify, low interest credit cards offer great rates. The most common rates fall between 9% and 15%. These cards are great when you need to make large purchases, because although your balance may be high, you will not be...