Low rate credit cards or as some know them as low APR credit cards can be very great for those individuals that carry a balance forward every month. The problem is that most people that really need or want low rate credit cards are unable to receive one because most credit card companies will only offer low rate credit cards to people with above average or excellent credit. This puts the majority of the population out of the market for low rate credit cards.
These low rate credit cards are out there, you can see them advertised on the television, on the internet and even in your email, but unfortunately, you may not qualify. The average rate for low rate credit cards is around 9 percent and some even go as low as 3.99 percent for certain individuals with an excellent credit rating. If you have credit that is less than appealing, you can always negotiate and possibly receive low rate credit cards if you have been employed with the same company for a certain amount of time, and the credit card company believes your income will stay steady.
However, many companies that offer low rate credit cards also have a pretty hefty annual fee or membership fee, which can be as...