Prepaid credit cards have been around for over ten years now, although they are just now coming into the spotlight. Prepaid credit cards are basically credit cards backed by major credit card companies that offer you the ability to deposit money onto the card and then use it for purchases. You are not allowed to spend anything more than you have deposited in most cases. It is a great way to teach students good financial responsibility. There are a lot of advantages to prepaid credit cards, and only a few disadvantages. However, before committing to any prepaid credit cards, you should be clear on the companys rules and fees.
No Credit Checks
One great thing about prepaid credit cards is that there is usually no credit check required. This makes prepaid credit cards ideal for those with lousy credit scores or even those without any previous credit to build their credit. If you have bad credit, this is a nice way to slowly rebuild your credit score. Creditors will see the card on your report and see if you use it responsibly and often.
Many prepaid credit cards offer no APR on money deposited and your purchases. Some do charge high...