There are several types of limousines available (SUV, stretch limo, party bus, etc.). Choose the type that works best for your occasion, taking into consideration how many are in your party and what your plans are.
In selecting the limousine company, you want to make sure the one you choose is properly licensed and insured. Although it may appear to be less expensive to hire an unlicensed limousine provider, if an accident were to happen and someone in your party were to get hurt, you would have no recourse. You can ask around to representatives from other companies that regularly use limousine services to find out about various limousine companies reputations.
Find out if the company has a contingency plan in case the limousine is in an accident or breaks down. If not, then you have two choices. You either have a backup plan in mind or hire another limousine service that you know does have a contingency plan. Conversely, it may be you that has unforeseen problems, so make sure you know in advance what the companys cancellation policy is.
The cost to rent a limousine can range between $50 and $150. Ask the limousine company what amenities are included in...