The Unbelievable Facts: You Can Beat The Competition By Raising Prices!
Hey, that got your attention! You’re probably sitting there with a raised eyebrow, and thinking… “Yeah, right!” Everybody knows that you have to have the best prices in town to be competitive… or do they?
Think about this… when you go to a Ford dealership mechanic do you expect to pay more than if you take it to the repair shop on the corner? Of course you do. Why? Because the mechanics are specialists at the dealership. They specialize in the type of cars they sell, and know their stuff!
When you become a specialist, people expect to pay more and feel like they are getting more value for their money. They trust the specialist to understand their needs. Now for the big question… How can you become a specialist? Here are 3 easy steps to becoming an expert in your field.
1. Divide your market.
Take a good look at your market. How many pockets within your customer population can you find? You’ll be surprised at the number of niches you can target. You’ll find ethnic groups, different age groups, varied...