In this day and age there are actually a wide range of vacation possibilities. Cruises, adventure vacations, specialty vacations, are all just a few of the many options that are available. The difficulty arises when you want to take a vacation with your whole family. One person going on a trip can often get a special deal. Even two people can travel and receive substantial discounts on packaged vacations. Families on the other hand have no such luck. It is assumed that families have children and that children are noisy.
Resorts often use children as an excuse to charge premium prices on the grounds that they need to have special services available to cater to the specific requirements of the children. Some resorts actually do go to great lengths and substantial costs to accommodate these young guests. They may have daycare facilities, childrens programs, perhaps even special menus to better serve those kids that are picky eaters (like me when I was 5).
These last few years have seen massive changes in the vacation market. There are new options available for families that wish to vacation together that do not require huge infusions of cash. Its a new market and...