Ask a boy what he wants to be when he grows up, and you’re unlikely to hear the response of “circus ringmaster.” And even if a youngster is intent on stepping into the center ring, most would not know how to get started on such a career path.
That path can be rather circuitous, as it was for Tyron Stucks McFarlan Jr., who grew up a “military brat” and enlisted in the Army National Guard at age 16. He completed advanced training while attending college, and graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in criminal justice. But, as McFarlan puts it, “Whatever is truly inside you is going to come out-sooner or later,” and for him that “whatever” was music; in high school he’d discovered a talent for singing and performing.
After college, McFarlan ventured into musical theater, modeling and commercial work. But it was his unique combination of talent, work ethic and physical presence that made him ideal for his biggest role: Ringmaster for The Greatest Show on Earth.
McFarlan describes his good fortune to be selected as Ringmaster as an occasion to “celebrate life” and looks...