The Woes Of Credit Card Holders And Salvation From 0% APR Cards
A typical American household has over nine credit cards. You may be dragging a debt of $6,000, but many are worn out in the struggle to pay their credit balances of over $25,000. In 2006 alone, less than 42% of credit card holders paid their credit in full per month. If you are one of these deadbeats, read on.
The siren call of credit card companies
The offers of credit card companies are hard to resist. If you are getting your first credit card, you may have been enticed by the tantalizing baits of:
“freedom to earn triple rewards”
“get started with cash back when you apply now”
“the more you spend, the more you earn points or cash”
“low fixed rate with reward points”
“no penalty rates, no rate hikes for late payment”
The benefits also include car rental insurance and travel accident insurance and the convenience of paying for anything you might need if you happen to be in any other part of the globe.
Now who wouldnt fall for these tricky words? And the credit card companies also tell you...