About 550 million searches are conducted daily on the Internet, according to Internet watchdog Jupiter Research. While most searchers now know how to order books, reserve plane tickets or download the latest tunes from cyberspace, many consumers are less confident about the best way to find information about businesses and services close to home–such as pinpointing specialty shops in their neighborhood or finding a phone number for a local pet store that’s known for pampering pooches.
According to Yahoo! data, one in four Internet searches is local-specific. Only a handful of search engines are equipped to handle what is known as “local search.” Local search differs from general search in that it lets people find business listings by searching within a specific city, neighborhood or zip code. This can greatly simplify the search process because it eliminates listings with similar names that are located in other parts of the U.S.-or the world. For example, if you’re looking for the listing for a Chinese restaurant called Emerald Garden in a nearby city, a local search will only give you the information for the one you want-not a clutter of...