Once again, you are seeing commercials for the Zune MP3 Player online, specifically the zune marketplace. That means that there is definite hope for the zune.
Of course, the iPod doesn’t have a large, well, huge portion of the mp3 world, who says Microsoft can’t take second place and take the rest. So far, they’ve done a fairly good job.
One thing that makes the zune able to compete with the iPod is amount of accessories that you can find for the product as well as the variety in colors of all the zunes.
You’d be surprised by how many people make their decision based on what color an mp3 player is, and then it turns into a competition of the colors. Both the iPod and Zune have same, and different colors, which will definitely make a difference for some of their customers.
Such as the Pink Zune 30GB, there are a lot of females out there that simply love the color pink. Now if they’re walking through best buy or target with the intention of getting an mp3 player, and their favorite color is pink, what comes next?
They walk down the aisle with mp3 players, and they see a lot of iPod’s with black, white, teal,...