A free-radical is a molecule or atom that is missing an electron. Free-radicals attack healthy cells within your body trying to steal an electron from them. Free-radicals are nothing more than thugs. All cancer is caused by free-radicals and the damage they do to your DNA. Your DNA holds the blue print for every cell that is created. All cancer is caused by mutated DNA. This is how DNA mutation happens; free-radicals attack your DNA trying to steal an electron, this attack continues and changes the blue print within your DNA, now the cells that are being created by your DNA are mutated with this changed blue print. The cells that are produced are cancer cells and the body no longer recognizes them as you; but they are not cancer yet, one more condition is needed to begin the growth of true cancer and that is inflammation. Inflammation appears when there is an injury to our body; even cell injury. Inflammation is there to help heal but it can not heal a mutation so it feeds the cell and within a few years you have some form of cancer.
We can not avoid free-radicals, they are a part of life; they are found in air and water pollution, the processed foods we eat and...