Besides the tent, sleeping bags, and cooler there are many essentials that must be brought in order to have a successful, enjoyable camping trip. Depending upon the environment where the camping trip will be, these essentials can vary according to the terrain, whether, and any flora and fauna that may be encountered. Also, who is going on the trip must be considered children may require different gear from adults.
A first aid kit is absolutely essential no matter the camping environment or the makeup of the group making the trip. Camping trips, by definition, are to areas away from civilization and should an injury occur it could be some time before professional medical attention is available. Thats why it is so important to have a first aid kit packed for the trip.
In every first aid kit, there should be a flashlight with working batteries. Be sure to check that the flashlight works before leaving home. This flashlight should be additional to other flashlights more casually used. Its there in case of an emergency and other flashlights are not available. Also, the kit should contain a whistle. The whistle has a dual purpose a method for locating lost campers and...