Today, most of the stock transactions are being conducted online. It has become very important to select a good online broker, based on specific investment needs and preferences. The number of companies offering online brokerage services has increased over the years, making it very difficult to select the best online broker. Listed below are some of the features of online brokers that you need to consider before selecting one:
Complimentary services
If you are new to stock investments, opt for an online broker that offers complimentary services, such as free investment tips, investment-planning software and the latest sock quotes. These services will help you to understand the basics of stock investments. Once you become familiar with the intricacies involved, you can start taking stock investment decisions independently. You also need to assess the speed of the online brokerage websites, especially during the peak hours, to check how long it takes to load a web page and process a transaction. In this way, you can ensure that the site is free from technical problems.
Additional services
If you have other priorities and cannot remain online for long,...