In this day and age of multiple careers many people are considering furthering their education online. While this distance education alternative to the regular college campus offers the convenience of working with your current daily obligations this mode of education is not a good choice for all. If you are thinking about obtaining additional education and are looking at distance or online alternatives look over the following personal characteristics to help you decide if you would make a good distance student.
Are you self-motivated? This personality trait is perhaps the most important when it comes from separating successful distance education students from the rest. Unlike a traditional classroom you will not be meeting several times per week to keep you moving along towards progress. You will be assigned projects to complete, and have tests to take, and perhaps will view some teacher notes and then you will be left to your own devices. This means you have to make yourself study even the blandest of material. Your success or failure in learning the material and meeting deadlines will be solely on your shoulders.
Are you a procrastinator? While self motivation...