A credit card is a card that allows you to borrow money for paying your purchases but bound to a certain limit. At the end off every month either you have to repay the whole amount or a minimum amount. A planned credit strategy will enable you to improve your credit worthiness. The most obvious thing, which can be done for building a good credit history, is repaying your bills on time, taking measures to protect your credit standings and making your credit report accurate and flawless.
Before making the choice of the credit card there are various points, which are to be kept in mind:
Annual Percentage Rate is the amount of interest you pay every year on your borrowings. The higher APR will make you pay more finance charges. The minimum repayment you make is basically the interest but paying a little more will help you in the reduction of your past balance. APR is one thing that can burn a hole in your pocket. So keep it as low as possible.
Introductory rates: When you sign for the card you are offered with a low or 0% rate of interest for an introductory period. You must keep in mind that this interest free period is applicable on purchases...