Things to Watch out For When Applying for a Credit Card
It would be nice to think that all credit card issuers are fair and just, however, such is not the case. Not all credit cards are the same, nor are those that issue them. Many try to take advantage of of an unsuspecting public. Below are a few pointers to look out for when applying for a credit card.
-> Pay attention to the interest rate being charged. While, as stated, you can expect to pay a higher interest rate, it should not be too excessive.
-> Do not even consider cards that have a zero grace period. This means that they begin to charge interest from the day the charge occurred. You wind up paying interest on interest. There are numerous cards out there that provide a 25 day or so grace period allowing you to have a chance to pay off the charge before interest is tracked.
-> Do not get over anxious. Read the fine print with each card you are wanting to apply to. If you do not understand a benefit or aspect of the contract seek out understanding. The issuer is in business to make a profit and you can rest assured that the contract leans in their direction. Your job is to choose the one...