Are your thoughts a dull and lifeless grey? Or a glorious, vivid and lively technicolor? Are they one-dimensional or like a hologram and fully formed in 3D? Are they tired and dull or vivid and full of life and hope? The difference is what separates the genius from the rest. If they are not you can train your mind and put it on the road to success. Because this kind of “imaging” in the mind and the will to make what you think a reality is a guarantee of success.
How does this kind of thinking or ideating ensure success? The answer lies in making perfection happen in the idealized world of the mind. Once you bring thought to life in your mind, you’ve gone into the realms of reality, eliminating any mistakes. For example, if you were to think of making a robot that would anticipate your every need and do everything you ever wanted, you are still in a wishful thinking stage. But if you were to build up the image of such a robot in your mind and put it together as if it were in the realms of your thought processes, you would pay careful attention to every detail. You would ferret out every which way you could to make it viable. You would play the...