This Awesome Thing: Products to Help Improve Overall Quality of Life?
Products such as get rich quick, get rich slow, or just change how your mindset is about the very aspects of life is a multi billion dollar industry. Every aspect, including merchandise from motivational speakers to weight loss coaches and diets, to how to build your internet empire, and how to learn how to better communicate with the opposite sex are sold everyday on the world wide web.
There happens to be millions of information products out there, that can serve either one or both of two potential purposes: To benefit the purchaser, or to benefit the publisher, by lining their wallets. Unfortunately, for the most part, the unscrupulous publishers happen to see the latter, and puts the internet marketing genre to quite some horrorific shame.
Imagine a place, a store, or an internet blog or website, which could review each and every one of these claims, and tell you what is the best products possible in a certain genre. Would you be interested in checking out something of this mention? How about finding a place, perhaps a product review site on the internet, which gave an opinion or...