This human body is the divine vault of storehouse of 7 jewels.
Generally while discussing Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) we talk of 6 Chakras but in reality they are 7 in number. Sahasrar or the 1000-petalled lotus is the pinnacle of all Chakras. Because it is in the brain it is considered a chief. It is labeled extraordinary because there are 5 Chakras in the Merudanad (spinal chord), the Ajna Chakra between the eyebrows and then the Sahasrar in the head region.
The 7 Lokas (worlds) are described. Their names are Bhooha, Bhuvaha, Svaha, Mahaha, Janaha, Tapaha, Satyam. Even in the Islamic scriptures it is said that God resides in the 7th heaven. Since ancient times a similar description is given in the Christian religion too. The planet Earth is one yet 7 classes of creatures reside on it viz. sand, stone, trees, herbs, minerals, water.
One should note that the 7 worlds can never be found in the inter stellar space of our material universe. They are neither there up in the sky nor below our planet Earth. In reality they are present in human consciousness. Because the macrocosm (universe) is present in the microcosm (human psyche). Hence...