Could a car owner have custom car audio added to a vehicle with lambo doors? That question has popped into the head of a freelance writer in California. The writer has previously witnessed all of the operations involved in the process of adding custom car audio to a Jeep Cherokee. Now she has learned that car owners are being encouraged to get Lamborghini-like doors.
That freelance writer hesitates to imagine what she may next find in her driveway. In November of 2005 the writer found two young adult males using her driveway as the site for the addition of custom car audio. One of those two lads had taken a course on auto mechanics with the former instructor at Culver City High School, a school close to Sony studios. He had agreed to share his knowledge with the writers son. Hence, the two of them had commenced the long process required to complete a custom car audio job.
At one point the writers son called to his mother and invited her to come outside and to see for herself what her son and his friend were doing. What that writer saw was two car doors with the stuffing pulled out of them. The quest for a custom car audio system had led those two young men to...