Three Deadly Sins to Avoid When Choosing a Professional Speaker
As I survey the speakers market Ive become a tad weary willfully wearing the title “Motivational Speaker”. All speakers worth their salt seek to motivate or cause action. Maybe it’s just me, but does the mere mention of the term “Motivational Speaker” conjure irritating mental pictures in your subconscious mind? There are far too many stereotypes being propagated regarding speakers. I will address a few of these speaker stereotypes and hopefully simultaneously construct a not-to-do list that aspiring speakers may use on their roads to success in the lucrative speaking industry.
Motivational Speaker Stereotype Number One:
The “Over-The-Top” Speaker
The “Over-The-Top” Speaker or the O.T.T. Speaker appears to have discovered a new fad diet which includes mountains of pure sugar and caffeine. The O.T.T. will at any given moment find it necessary to expend tremendous amounts of energy racing about the platform as if a sniper has them in the crosshairs. During smaller office presentations, The O.T.T. speaker may also be seen jumping atop a...