There are three kinds of students: the superior student, the average student, and the inferior student. The superior student has admirable qualities. He trusts his instructors implicitly and follows whatever instructions are given him without complaint or debate. He understands that his instructors were once students, too. He understands that his instructors only have his welfare in mind when they teach him. The superior student is pliable, honest, sincere, respectful, and has a zest to learn. He understands that mastery in the martial arts, or in any endeavor, does not happen over night. He knows that it often takes a long time to achieve proficiency and, understanding that, he is more than willing to make that noble commitment. The superior student practices diligently at home and looks forward with joy to each and every class. Further, he learns from the mistakes committed by others and avoids perpetrating those same mistakes himself. When he does make a mistake, he understands that it is a natural part of the learning process and does not become sullen or angry when receiving correction. The superior student is worthy of both respect and admiration of his...
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