Three Powerful Changes To Make Now To Get More Done Each Day
With so much to do and only so many hours in a day, here are three powerful changes you can make RIGHT NOW to free up time, eliminate distractions and get more done (particularly the things that are important to you) each day.
Close Your Email Program
Yes, I said it. Close your email program. I know this may border on heresy for some of you, but think about it. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, but email is one area where many of us have become slaves to, “You’ve got mail!” That phrase, or it’s “ding” counterpart can rip us away from just about anything we’re doing when we’re within earshot of the computer. Unless you’re waiting on a specific email to arrive, close your email program and open it only one or two times a day. The USPS only delivers mail to your home once a day, right? So why must you be able to receive email every waking minute of the day? Since when is “just because you can” reason to do something, particularly when it can be such an interruption and fritter away your time without you really...