Have you spent a little more (or a lot more) than you should have with credit? Most Americans have several credit cards with a few thousand dollars in debt racked up, as well as car or personal loans. When you combine these payments with your every day living expenses, it can be really hard to get yourself out of debt. Here are 3 steps you can take right now, to get on the road to repairing your credit.
1. Thanks to changes in federal laws, every citizen in the United States is now eligible for a free credit report every year. It used to be you had to be denied credit with a company before you could obtain a free report, now you can request one each year to keep on top of whats being put in your credit report. This allows you to find errors and fix them before they cost you your good credit reputation. Order a copy of your credit report to determine how severe your financial situation is. You may think that you have bad credit, but your credit report may show otherwise, and vice versa. If your report shows a lower score than you would like, you can then start taking steps to improving the situation.
2. Investigate the credit report thoroughly and look for errors....