I am applying the first of these time management tips right now. You see, there was a time when I tended to do all the “busy work” in the morning, while putting off the important things. I might have gotten to the important stuff later in the afternoon, or maybe not. Now, I get up and I write an article, because this is what is most important for my business right now. I do it whether I feel like it or not.
The result is that I often fell like I have gotten a good days work in before noon. I fact, I find that the business does well even if I take afternoons off so my wife and I can go for a drive in the mountains – as long as I do the important things first. There also doesn’t seem to be nearly as much “busy work” that needs to be done once the important things are out of the way.
Spend some time to decide which things on your “to do” list are most important. If they are longer projects, break them into smaller pieces, and attack one of those smaller pieces as your first work of the day every day. Important things first – not a new idea, but still a valuable time management tip.
Time Management Tip...