Many who choose to work at home do so for noble reasons. They hate their jobs. They have completely burned out in their former line of work. They see their kids growing up before them, and yet they do not know them. Regardless of the reason, our world has made working at home increasingly easier, and thus many jump at the opportunity when it arises. However, working from home requires three main components for a successful venture.
Those who choose to work from home must first prioritize their lives. They must consider why they chose to work at home in the first place and then keep those priorities in mind. They may even write the list down and review it everyday, using it as a filter for decisions that might affect their at-home status. For example, those who came home to spend time with their children will want to keep their children at the top of the list.
Discipline also leads to a successful venture of working at home. Working at home and being at home are not the same thing. Many times those who choose to work at home fail to implement the discipline that brought them success in the traditional workforce, and they fail at their at-home venture. Successful...