It is very easy, these days, to run up those credit cards to the max. So many things, and bills that you can easily put on them, that they can tend to get out of control. However, with the interest rate that you are paying on them, and possibly some late fees, getting out of credit card debt is not going to be easy. So, it may be time to stop dreaming about what you don’t have, and take some deliberate steps to correcting the problem. Here are some things you can do – and you can use a new credit card to do it.
Get A Credit Card With Balance Transfers
It may be a little hard to believe, but another credit card could very well be a key to help you get out of debt. You will first want to apply for a credit card that permits balance transfers. Most credit cards will now have this feature on them, as an introductory offer. It allows you to take the balance from another credit card and put it on the new one. Generally, you will have up to 15 months to enjoy an interest rate of 0% on any amount transferred.
There are, however, a couple of little tricks that you want to watch out for. There are three of them that involve balance transfers. The first...