Web2.0 like most web phenomenon represents a departure from traditional brick and mortar concepts. In the early days of the internet, most websites were merely internet versions of offline sales letters or online magazines. Web2.0 today represents a future where large online communities congregate and collectively produce online material for the collective good. Large online collaborative websites like friendster or digg represents examples of such phenomenon. This article will highlight three implications of this trend on your internet website.
Website interactivity
Web2.0 websites today want to engage the reader and some content sites like the Financial Times and other large online publishers have embraced this and have enabled rating scripts and comment scripts on their portals. If you have reports or articles on your company website, you might want to consider including such scripts to increase the interactivity of your portal so as to assist your internet marketing efforts.
Advertising in Community Sites
The rise of large Web2.0 community portals like Friendster allows advertisers to examine the demographics of the site users more easily...