Time To Get Out Of Dodge? – Relocate Ahead Of The Collapse
Peak Oil? Economic Collapse? Maybe the universe is trying to tell you something. Maybe it’s Relocation, Relocation, Relocation.
With many people predicting a serious economic depression, and others equally–or also–concerned about the approaching depletion of oil production (“Peak Oil” – For full information, see Dry Dipstick at www.drydipstick.com), you might consider moving to a quieter, more sustainable, less oil-dependent location.
Of course you might be fine living exactly where you are now. It’s certainly easier to stay where you are than to move. No one can predict, certainly not with certainty, where the best places might be to deal with the future. Many observers think that large cities are definitely not the best location. Others suggest that any town dependent on water and food that comes from a large distance may not be ideal. They suggest a small town with adequate water and nearby farms. When it comes down to it, no one really has the foggiest idea, so you’re on your own.
If you wish, you can run off into the hills, create a...