Timeless Marketing Truth: The Unchanging Truth About Selling Fickle People.
What we want changes overnight; what makes us want it hasnt changed in thousands of years, nor will it change in thousands more. The serious student of marketing can learn much from early analysts of motivation. Here is a bit of George Frenchs “The Art and Science ofAdvertising from the turn of the 20th century
We know how to appeal to Smith because we know Smith. We know what willplease Brown because we know Brown. We know howto get our way with Jones because we know Jones.What the advertiser must know is how to get at Smith, Brown and Jones without knowing any of them.While every man has his personal peculiarities every man and every mind is controlled, ina large sense and to a great extent, by mind workings which were established before we lived, and are operated in a manner separate from his personality.
Ourminds are more mechanical than we are willing to admit. That which we loosely call mind is largely the automatic expression oftendencies controlled by physical conditions wholly apart from conscious intellectual or moralmotives or qualities.What those physical...