Your first clue to the truth about advertising was written more than 100 years ago.
Let me tell you the story of a young, confident copywriter by the name of John E. Kennedy. Early one May evening in 1904, Kennedy, a former Canadian Mountie, sat in a New York barroom.
He sent a note upstairs to the office of A.L. Thomas, the head of the Lord and Thomas advertising agency. “I’m in the saloon downstairs, the note began, and I can tell you
what advertising is.I know you don’t know.It will mean much to me to have you know whatit is and it will mean much to you. If youwish to know what advertising is, send the word yes down by the bell boy. (Signed) John E. Kennedy.
Thomas dismissed the note as arrogance.But his junior partner, Albert Lasker, did not. The note struck a chord with Lasker and he summoned Kennedy to his office that same night.That meeting of Lasker and Kennedy changed the face of advertisingforever.
Kennedy told Lasker, “Advertising is Salesmanship in Print.”No one has been able to better that definition of advertising, not to this very day, more than 100 years later.
Kennedy was subsequently...