Timeshare Salesman – The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
Actually I did not find much of anything good to say about timeshare salesman. You be the judge.
It is a sales persons job to sell you their product, make money for the company and make a living for themselves. All well and good.
When you pay your money for anything, whether it is a candy bar, a car or a house you expect to get fair value for your money. You would not expect to pay $100 for a candy bar. And if you spent $10,00 for a car you would expect it to have at least a steering wheel and tires.
And if the person selling you the candy bar said it was 100% chocolate you would reasonably expect it to be chocolate. And you would expect to be able to eat it anytime you wanted to.
When you run into a timeshare salesperson just throw any thought of truth out the window. Their job is simply to take your money no matter what it takes. And the truth will stop them cold in their tracks.
Because buying time shares from a presentation is probably one of the worst deals imaginable. So the salesman has no choice but to lie to you.
It is as simple as that. And how do you know when...