If you could bring home one piece of clothing or accessory made in Italy, you may want to choose an Italian handbag. While this years dress is next years rag, a quality handbag will literally look stylish for decades.
Of course, many people take one look at the cost of the better Italian handbags and decide that these bags are simply too expensive. However, if you think about how many times you will be using that handbag over the next ten years and then divide the price of the handbag by that number, you may be surprised to find that a good handbag is actually a better deal than most other pieces of clothing. After all, if you buy a ten dollar shirt because it is on sale and only wear it twice, it costs you five dollars for each use. A one hundred dollar handbag that you use thirty times only costs you about three dollars for each use. Most people use a good handbag several hundred times a year.
Although Italian handbags come in a range of prices, a top quality calf leather handbag can cost as much as four or five hundred dollars; and even several thousand dollars if its from a well-known designer. Although you may not be able to tell the supple soft calf leather...