Tips For Choosing Among Credit Card Offers When You Have Bad Credit
Dont let bad credit stop you from getting and using a credit card. Even if your credit rating has gone bad the last few months and you badly need a credit card, there are still companies who are willing to extend credit card offers to you. It’s only a matter of finding what the different offers are and knowing the risks and benefits of each choice. Here are four kinds of credit cards you can use even with bad credit:
Unsecured credit card
This is often referred to as the ‘bad credit’ credit card, so named because it is only issued to people with bad credit. An unsecured bad credit card will still allow you to transact as usual, but there is a downside to it.
Bad credit cards, thanks to your less-than-perfect credit rating, will charge higher fees compared to other types of credit cards. This is probably the only credit card that will charge you as much as $150 in annual fees alone. Interest rates are also higher, sometimes as much as 20%. Banks and credit card companies also charge higher application fees. If you want this card, make sure you can handle the...