A saddle is different from a traditional bicycle seat. A seat is designed to carry complete weight of the rider. while a saddle is built to carry some and not all of the cyclists weight. A comfortable saddle is a necessity of every biker. Usually the cycle shops are full of bikers who want to replace their old saddles as they are not much satisfied with it.
Choosing a right saddle
Buy a soft or a hard saddle? Usually the practice is to go for soft saddles. but that is not necessarily the more comfortable option. When a person sits. major weight is consumed by the two bumps. If there is excessive padding in the saddle or if it is too soft. then it causes discomfort as these tend to divert the major load to the soft tissues between the sit-bones two bumps.
Buy a Wide one or a Narrow Saddle? The answer to this is same as that for the saddles width. It also relates to the space between the riders sit bones. Soft tissues will have to bear the load if the saddles are too narrow as this will cause the sit bones to hang from the sides. And if the saddle is too wide. rashes might develop on the inner thighs.
Deciding on saddle material? In Plastic saddles. a...