Credit cards are widely in use because of the convenience and easy access they provide. If you own too many credit cards then it is necessary that you follow some credit card tips.
1. You should avoid cash advances whereby interest free periods offered on credit card accounts dont apply to cash advances. Most of the times, you will pay interest on the cash right from the time you have withdrawn it.
2. Whenever you use a credit card make sure that it is most suitable to your way of spending. If you are using a credit card for extended credit whereby you dont pay off the balance in full each month you should choose a card with a lower rate of interest. It may not be offering any interest free period but the lower rate of interest will save you much in the long run. On the other hand, if you use a card for paying for day to day purchases then you should go for a card with maximum interest free days and try to pay it off in full every month.
3. If you are eligible for a relationship discounts that are available from banks and credit unions for those who consolidate a range of banking business with one institution. Many home loans,...