For the average American, buying a home will be the biggest purchase you ever make. The thought of owing that much money can be quite daunting, especially if you dont make a lot of money or live paycheck to paycheck. But even taking this into consideration, buying a home is the best investment of your money that you can make for you and your family’s future. In this day and age, most people are paying rent and all of the utilities anyway- so why not own your own home?
Once you are at a point that you feel you are ready to take that leap into home ownership, getting approved for the loan is the next big step. It is key to be sure that you do all of your research and not just take the first mortgage loan that you are approved for.
Before you even apply for a mortgage loan, sit down and figure out your budget so that when you apply, you know the amount of the mortgage payment that you can afford. Just because you are approved for a certain amount does not mean you can afford that amount!
The bank or mortgage lender should then be able to tell you what your price range for a home would be, based on the amount you can afford to pay for your mortgage...