When you are in an accident, you want to make certain that you can get the biggest settlement that you can get. So here are some tips so that you can get a large structured settlement.
1. Make sure the evidence at the scene is secure
You want to make sure that, without a doubt, the company knows that you are not at fault. So you want to make sure that everything is as it was in the accident.
2. Dont make assumptions about injuries
Many injuries dont show up until later, so you dont want to assume that you arent injured.
3. Keep up to date with appointments
Go to see a doctor, even if you dont feel injured, and make sure to keep your appointments. If you dont go to the doctor, then it will be harder to explain to the insurance company that you are really hurt.
4. Keep track of lost wages
Make certain that you have doctors notes for days that you have missed after the accident and keep track of what you have lost in your wages.
5. Dont start low in negotiations
One of the rules of thumb is that the insurance company wont ever go higher, but they will come down. So dont start at the lowest amount youll settle...