When winter comes and no longer are you going to spend time out on your boat and you need to find a way to find the right kind of boat storage for yours.
The are many benefits to be had from storing your boat correctly and whilst it may take a little time to get the job done right by following good boat storage procedures will not only save you money but a lot of stress as well.
Below you are will find a few tips that need to be followed in order to make sure that your boat has been stored correctly and you will need to have the following equipment in order to get it your body ready for storage.
1. Storage/Fogging Oil
2. Fuel Stabilizer
3. Anti-Corrosion Spray
4. Spray Lube
5. Trailer Jack
6. Tools
The first thing we are looking at is fuel stabilizer which helps to stop condensation forming in the fuel tank and fuel lines and therefore this needs to be added to a full tank of gas first. When adding the fuel stabilizer it is important that you follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter. Now start the motor on flusher for approximately 1 minute in order to push the treated fuel through the fuel system.