Tips For Success In The Worlds First Sports Stock Market
The AllSportsMarket is a financial exchange using a professional trading platform to buy and sell issues of sports teams. It is just like the stock market, but with sports teams! You compete with other players for real money. Money is earned from the ups and downs of the prices of teams and from dividends paid when teams win. The AllSportsMarket is 24 hours, 365 days a year – you can trade at anytime and as often as you would like.
You can fund an account for as little as $25 or try the no catch guest entry to check out the user interface. Unlike the stock market, where you need a hefty upfront amount to get started, and gambling where you can lose all your money at once, you can start off with a minuscule amount of money and not lose it all in one shot.
Buy Low and Sell High
Just like the stock market, you make money off of the ups and downs of the underlying security. In the case of the AllSportsMarket, the security is the issue of the team. Buying shares with the intention of selling them later at a higher price to make a profit is called long. In ASM, you make the difference minus the...