What we should do?
1, Always keep the baby neat and clean.
2, Cut the nails properly with utmost care.
3, Wet nappy should be removed and parts should be cleaned with soap.
4, Take care of the genitals because fungal infection is common in that area. Parts should be kept dry.
5,Care of the scalp is very important.Fungal infections, dermatitis ect can be prevented by proper cleaning.
6,Tight dress can cause irritation, hence dress should be loose and should allow entry of air.
7,Room should have sufficient light and ventilation.It should be free from dust and insects.
8,Seperate bed preferably water proof is needed for kids .It should be arranged near mother’s bed.
9, Always keep some music making toys near the baby.
10, While carrying the baby support the head with hand.Since the neck muscles are weak sudden fall of head can be dangerous.
11, Mothers milk is the best nutrition for the baby,it also gives emotional attachment.Breast milk should be given as per the babies need preferably in mother sitting position.Proper cleaning of nipple is also necessary.Mother should take good...