You probably know someone like me. I’m the kind of person and constantly in need of reminders to do the simplest things. I’m talking about things like sending out the monthly payments for my credit cards, electricity, cable, water, rent, and car loan or I will more or less forget all about the darn things.
I’ve experimented with numerous approaches to overcome this problem, including such things as posting reminders of my pending bills on my refrigerator so I’ll see them each and every day, using a PDA to monitor when the bills are due, and picking out in advance a particular, predetermined day each month to sit down and take care of all my financial matters. But you know what, none of my little methods worked, and it was a problem because I was constantly being bombarded with late fees and and nasty letters from creditors had threatened cancellations. Then a friend told me about an online bill pay service. Since I signed up for it, I haven’t been late with a single payment. Not even once. In this day and age many creditors including credit card companies, banks, and other service providers like utilities, support online bill pay options....