Did you know that close to 5000 designs have been developed, approved and patented since the 1990s ? its no wonder then that it is one of the most artfully designed items in the field of sports.
With so many options to choose from, choosing a suitable golf all is indeed a golf players nightmare.
Because of the multiplicity of player types, the designers have also tried to develop different designs of balls which can suit each player, so that maximum fun can be derived from the game, as well as increase the possibility of a par.
Structure of a golf ball
1. Two-piece balls, also called distance balls by the players are made up of material that is hard and immune to cuts. They are known for their distance. The inner of these balls are tight and can be made of different materials. The distance a ball can travel is decided by how hard the inner is. It is a fact though that these balls lack the ability to spin, and it is difficult to manage these two-piece balls, because of its limited ability to spin.
2. For better feel and ability to spin, three-piece golf balls are ideal. They are made only for this purpose. The outer softer coat or Balata covers...