Using credit cards effectively often depends on the level of credit that you have, and how you spend that credit. There are times when you might need to increase your credit limit, and times when you might need to reduce it. If you are unsure about how to adjust your credit limit to suit your needs, then follow this simple advice in order to know when to adjust your credit limits.
What are your current limits?
Before knowing whether you should adjust your credit limit, you should work out what the limits on your cards are currently. Knowing exactly how much credit you have will help you to determine whether you need to raise or reduce your credit limit, or keep it the same.
Increasing credit limits
If you find that your current credit limits are not large enough for your needs, then perhaps it is time to increase your credit limit. If you have a good credit score and have always paid on time, then you are much more likely to be eligible for an increase. Contact your card issuers and find out if you can get an increase. If you are unable to get an increase but feel that you really need one and can afford it, then look into getting an additional credit...