You may have been amazed at how your friends or family have manipulated photographs from way back when or truly impressed by the visually stimulating personalized electronic greeting cards you received from your colleagues. No matter what your ulterior motive is for buying that graphic editor software, such as Adobe Photoshop, the question now is how you are going to learn how to use them and impress yourself or other people on how creative you can be with such tool.
Unless you want to be a professional graphic designer, it is advisable that you first learn the basics of the software from free Adobe Photoshop tutorial available to you. You may be extremely excited to weave magic on your digital images, but you need to know that you cannot just enhance or create beautiful pictures if you do not know even just the fundamentals of the software you just bought. It would also be futile to pay for advanced Adobe Photoshop classes or tutorials because you might not be able to fully comprehend what your instructor is saying, especially if you are not really very familiar with computers, because you don’t even know the basics.
Do not panic. The first free Adobe...