If you find yourself struggling to pay off your loan in the short-term because of unforeseen financial difficulties, then perhaps you should consider taking a repayment holiday. Also, if you are looking to get a loan and want to know that you can take a short break from repayments if things are tight, then repayment holidays are probably for you. Here are some tips about how to use repayment holidays effectively and the consequences of doing so.
What is a repayment holiday?
Just as it sounds, a repayment holiday is when your lender will allow you to take a break or holiday from your monthly repayments, thereby helping you to sort out any financial difficulties that you have. A repayment holiday is often taken at the beginning of a loan, although many companies also offer the option to take a holiday at any point during the loan term.
Criteria for repayment holidays
Although not all lenders offer loan repayment holidays, it is becoming a more common practice. If you want to take a repayment holiday at the beginning of the loan, then you can usually get a few months break before you need to start paying the amount back. However, if you want to take a...