Even with bad credit, you can still have a chance of obtaining a credit card of your choice just as long as you make the right noises and of course create the right impression.
How to Impress When Applying for a Credit Card
Creating a favorable impression depends on the type of application process youll be undergoing. Online credit card applications are usually no-nonsense processes that only accept verifiable facts and figures and make no consideration at all for the individuals personality or situation.
Personal credit card applications, on the other hand, can be divided into two classifications. If you were approached by a credit card representative, you must make sure that you display just the right amount of interest in his offer, never mind if youre truly eager to own a credit card. You must successfully convince the other person that although youll be happy about owning a credit card, you wont be terribly affected if you dont get one in the end.
If youre the one who initiated the credit card application process, your interest is automatically obvious so hiding it would be a moot point. The next step then is convincing your interviewer that...